Pool Companies Fort Lauderdale Can Help Close Your Pool for the Season

and close up your pool for the season. If you are interested the steps needed to close your pool, you should take a look at the following suggestions.

Test Your Pool Water

The first step is to test the chemical balance in your pool water. An improper balance can cause the water to become too corrosive. This may damage your pool or produce heavy calcium deposits. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to properly test your pool water. This includes testing and chlorine of your pool water.

Clean and Store Your Pool Equipment

The next step is to clean and filter cleaner.

Drain Your Pool’s Water Level

You will also need to partially drain your pool. Most pools should be drained to a level just below the skimmer. The exact level will depend on the type of pool that you have. For example, vinyl-lined pools should be drained to 1-inch below the skimmer opening. Pools with mesh covers or no covers should be drained to 18-24-inches below the skimmer.

You can handle these tasks on your own, but it is a lengthy process. If you believe that you need help with the process of closing your pool, you should contact pool companies Fort Lauderdale that offer pool cleaning services.